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Sinusitis can be caused by viruses, allergens, pollutants, bacteria, and fungi. Acute Sinusitis (sudden onset): Usually last fewer than eight weeks, no more than 3 times per year, last no longer than 10days. Chronic sinusitis (long term): Last longer than 8 weeks, more than 4 times/year, symptoms last more than 20days. Symptoms of Acute Sinusitis includes Nasal congestion with discharge, postnasal drip, pain across the cheekbone, under or around eye, around upper teeth Pain or pressure is worse when coughing Pain or pressure on one or both sides of the face. Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis includes Pain that is worse in late morning or when wearing glasses Chronic sore throat and bad breadth Chronic tooth ache or increased tooth sensitivity, increased cough at nights. Four major pairs of sinusitis includes Frontal sinuses ( in forehead) Maxillary sinuses (behind cheekbones) Ethmoid sinuses (between eyes) Spheroid sinuses (behind eyes)


What is ulcer?           Ulcer is nothing but the erosion on the surface of an organ or tissue. It commonly erupts in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. There are three types of ulcer, 1) Gastric ulcer: It is due to the contact of Gastric Juice with the Gastric Mucosa. It is often associated with the HELICOBACTOR PYROLI infection or consumption of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs. 2) Peptic ulcer: A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine. CAUSES: a) Helicobacter Pylori( H-pylori) - It is a spherical shaped germ that digging holes in sour stomach. It is responsible for 60% stomach ulcer and 90% duodenal ulcer. b) Usage of certain medications such as Aspirin or clopidogrel and other pain killers which have been taken regularly. c) Excess stomach acid. SYMPTOMS: a) Mild symptoms resembling heart burns. b) Severe pain radiating throughout the upp


Eggs are one of the most common allergy-causing foods for children. Egg allergy can occur as early as infancy. Most children but not all outgrow their egg allergy. Symptoms: Egg allergy reactions vary from person to person and usually occur soon after exposure to egg. Egg allergy symptoms can include: Skin inflammation or hives — the most common egg allergy reaction Nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing (allergic rhinitis) Digestive symptoms, such as cramps, nausea and vomiting Asthma signs and symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or  shortness of breath Risk factors Certain factors can increase the risk of developing an egg allergy: Atopic dermatitis: Children with this type of skin reaction are much more likely to develop a food allergy than are children who don't have skin problems. Family history:  You're at increased risk of a food allergy if one or both of your parents have asthma, food allergy or another typ