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EVERYONE KNOW THE PROVERB OF “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. So, here are we come to know about the benefits and the ill effects of apple.

Apple is an excellent source of antioxidant. The antioxidant name called QUERCETIN; it is very much helpful in reducing the cellular death which is caused by oxidation and inflammation of neurons.

Biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in mouth and also most helpful in reducing the tooth decay by reducing the level of bacteria.

Drinking apple juice could keep the Alzheimer’s disease away and fight for the effects of aging on the brain.

Apple intake has been related to a decreased risk of thrombotic stroke.
It has been proved that intake of apples everyday had reduced bad cholesterol up to 23%.

People who ate apples, raisins, grapes per week had a 28% lower risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

Researchers proved that the consumption of flavonoids rich apple could help to reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23%.

The phenolic compound found in the apple skins also prevents cholesterol that gets into your body from solidifying on your artery walls. Otherwise leading to coronary artery disease. Hence apple keep you heart healthy.

Excess of cholesterol leads to the problem of gallstones. Hence to prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet with high fibre like apple.

An apple a day, keep women from breast cancerIt will helpful in boosting the immune system.

High fibre content in the apple can prevent you from straining too much when going to the bathroom. Over weight may be the many cause for most of the problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes etc. Hence, the fibre content in the apple help to control your weight.

Now a day, everyone consuming lot of toxins without our knowledge, our liver is responsible for clear out of the toxins from our body, for that apple is very much helpful to liver to detoxify.

Those who take Apple enriched with antioxidants are to 10 to 15% less likely to develop cataracts.


ENERGY – 52 kcal
FAT – 0.17 g
PROTEIN- 0.26g
WATER- 85.56 g
BETA-CAROTENE- 27 micro gms
VITAMIN B1- 0.017 mg
VITAMIN A EQUIV – 3micro gms
VITAMIN B2- 0.026 mg
VITAMIN – B3 – 0.091 mg
VITAMIN B5- 0.061 mg
VITAMIN B6- 0.041mg
VITAMIN B9 – 3 micro gms
VITAMIN C – 4.6 gms
VITAMIN E – 0.18 mg
VITAMIN K – 2.2 micro gms
IRON- 0.12 mg
MANGANESE – 0.035 mg
POTASSIUM – 107 mg

There is no direct risk or ill effects with consumption of apple. But here are some cases,
  • Apple seeds contain small amount of poison CYANIDE, a powerful poison. Eating too many seeds can potentially harmful.

  • Apples are fairly acidic; they could be up to four times more damaging to teeth than carbonated drinks. So it is safer while eating them at meal times.


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