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In the present day scenario, everyone wants to be fit. So thousands of people shift to take healthy foods, but unfortunately most of them were failed due to the lack of knowledge about, what to be taken and not to be taken during diet. To achieve a perfect shape and health, diet should be follow with correct and strict manner along with the regular workout.

Hence this is the site which offered/guides the good and efficient diet; for better and good results, watch this blog regularly.

In order to go into the topic Diet Control; hence we must know what are all the things that should not be done during diet. So, they are all listed here.

Many of us thought that eating of small amount of normal food or even skip our meals in order to lose weight are the method of diet control, but it is fully wrong approach.

A better and healthy way of losing weight is nothing but the Balanced Diet Chart, with nutritious food and avoiding fat content and sugar. If you are not follow the strict balanced diet, it will give the worst results of twice the times than not doing the exercise properly.


Taking of proper quantities and proportions of foods, this is needed to maintain health or growth.


Selection of food/eatables is much more important than the quantity of food intake because the food we use now, should not make any problem or any harm to us in future.

(i) Aerated Drinks

Aerated drinks are not recommended for everyone those who interested in diet, it takes the first position in the order of not to be taken.

During summer days, everyone wish or feel to drink aerated drinks, but it should be a last option (when you are about to die and no water anywhere) because it contain more amount of sugar. Instead of it, drink lot of water, because it will helpful for healthy life.

Take the lemon water, buttermilk, green tea etc., as the alternative for the aerated drinks. That too not spoil our diet control.

(ii) Avoid Packaged Foods.

Normally, packaged foods are not considered as a healthy product, because it contain a lot of harmful chemical, which affect the health. Moreover, these foods contain lot of fats and sugar, which are extremely dangerous.

(iii) No Sugar

Sugar in terms of any mean should be avoided, because it have high amount of calories with a zero nutrients. Instead of white sugar, Brown sugar(Vellam in Tamil) and honey are recommended.

(iv) Say No To Fried Foods.

This is the well-known fact that, fried foods contain more fat content, so, it can able to add weight instantly. Replace the fried foods with Raw or boiled fresh vegetables

(v) Stop Drinking Alcohol

It is no wonder to know there are many health disasters with Alcohol, which might push us in deep trouble if continued. And since many of us workout regularly by following a strict diet, it is time to give up on alcohol habits too. 

Alcohol is one of the slow poisons which will kill you from inside. They have high amounts of calories which are certainly not required by our body. You should replace alcohol with fruit juices, vegetable juices and any other health drinks which might help you to recover from bad drinking habits.

(vi) Avoid White Flour

Breads, pastas and noodles are some of the common foods which are highly consumed. These foods are made up of white flour, which can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity, high cholesterol and other health issues.

Make sure to keep white flour out of diet chart, and replace it with wheat flour and other healthy recipes. So instead of eating white flour pastas and bread, it is better to replace them with foods made of wheat flour like brown bread.

(vii) Meat

Most of the meat contents are high in fat, which contain saturated fats in them. These fats can increase the fat levels in your body causing many health issues. Eating too much of meat can block your arteries and tend to cause heart attacks in future.

Never include red meats in your regular diet to spoil the efforts of workout and strict diet. Always try to add lean meat like chicken, fish and prawns which includes rich amounts of protein and energy.

(viii) Desserts

Most of us have a sweet tooth and it is impossible to imagine a day without desserts. You need to completely avoid these desserts which contains high amounts of lot of sugar, cream
and other fatty products. 

Doctors do not recommended eating sweet dishes daily, as they are extremely dangerous in future. You should slowly make a habit of avoiding these sweet dishes by replacing them with natural fresh fruits, which benefit our weight loss program.

(ix) Fast Foods

Fast foods like pizzas, burgers, cakes must be completely avoided on a weight loss diet, as these foods have low nutritional value and high amount of calories. 

Eating fast foods are not recommended by any physician, as it leads to instant weight gain as well as other health problems. Try to replace these fast foods with healthy home-made foods like Oatmeal, Granola, Waffles, Fruit snacks and etc.

(x) Baked Foods

You should learn to avoid baked foods during your weight loss program, as they contain simple carbohydrates which help in weight gain. Baked foods like potatoes, cakes, breads, donuts, cookies etc. are made out of white flour and sugar, which should be avoided in our weight loss program. 

So always stay away from baked foods which are high in trans-fat and low in nutrients.


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