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1. Say no to sugars and starches

Sugars and starches are stimulating the secretion of insulin; we already know that insulin is the main fat storage hormone on our body. When you take low insulin, then your body can able to burn fats and getting out of storage of fats. Another advantage of this leads to removes excess sodium and water out of the body.
Cut your carbohydrates, lower your insulin (it will reduce your appetite) then you will start to eat less calories automatically and without hunger.

2. Consume protein, fats and vegetables

Your diet should contain Protein source, a fat source and low carbohydrate vegetables

Recommended range of carbohydrate is 20 – 50 grams per day.

The importance of eating more amount of protein boost your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. High protein diet may reduce your obsessive thoughts and reduce the desire for late night snacking by 50% and make you so full.

Protein sources
Low carbohydrate veg
Fat sources

Meat- Beef, Chicken, pork, lamb, etc.

Fish and Sea foods

Eggs – Omega-3 enriched are best.

Swiss Chard
Cucumber etc.
Fat sources
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Avocado oil
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Avocado oil

The best cooking fat to use is Coconut oil.

3. It is best to do some sort of resistance training like Weight lifting. If that is not an option cardio work outs too. Otherwise go walking it’s a super easy way to keep fit.

4. Eating more carbohydrates for once in a week is perfectly acceptable, but not necessary.

5. Drink more quantity of water.

6. To raise your metabolism drink coffee or tea, it is only an optional.

7. Grain based breakfast should be replaced with Protein rich breakfast.

8. In order to lose weight especially around the belly are, consume viscous fibre supplements like glucomannan.

9. Poor sleep is one of the main factors for weight gain and obesity, so deep sleep for at least 5 to 6 hours is compulsory.

10. Try to add foods instead of subtracting them.

NEXT BLOG: What are all the Foods to reduce Weight?


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