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What is ulcer?

          Ulcer is nothing but the erosion on the surface of an organ or tissue. It commonly erupts in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.

There are three types of ulcer,

1) Gastric ulcer:

It is due to the contact of Gastric Juice with the Gastric Mucosa. It is often associated with the HELICOBACTOR PYROLI infection or consumption of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs.

2) Peptic ulcer:

A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine.


a) Helicobacter Pylori( H-pylori) - It is a spherical shaped germ that digging holes in sour stomach. It is responsible for 60% stomach ulcer and 90% duodenal ulcer.

b) Usage of certain medications such as Aspirin or clopidogrel and other pain killers which have been taken regularly.

c) Excess stomach acid.


a) Mild symptoms resembling heart burns.

b) Severe pain radiating throughout the upper portion of the body.

c) Most common is burning sensation in the abdomen above the naval.

d) Pain comes about 30 to 120 minutes after eating or in the middle of the night when the stomach is empty.

e) Some people may experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation, blood in the faeces, blood in the vomit, extreme weakness and excessive thirst.

These are all the symptoms of excessive internal bleeding and my appear in most advanced cases.

  • X-ray examination
  • Endoscopy


Ulcer caused by H-pylori can be cured by combination of antibiotic and antacids (anti blocking drugs) or Pepto-Bismol. But these antacids may also have some side effects.


a) Take flavonoids as much as you can i.e. Soya beans, legumes, red grapes, apples, berries, teas (especially green tea). Because flavonoids referred as Gastro protective.

Note: Higher amount of flavonoids may interfere with blood clotting, so taken as supplements.

b) Take fermented foods such as Buttermilk because it contains Probiotic bacteria and yeast. This is helping in wiping out H-pylori.

C) Garlic: It has the capacity to inhibit the growth of H-pylori. So, regularize the habit of using garlic in your diet.

Note: It is not recommended for all, because it at as a blood thinners, so better to consult your doctor.

d) Fruits, Vegetables and whole grains. Vitamin rich diet can help your body to heal ulcer. They are dried.

e) Meditation: It is better to take stress management courses, learn to meditate yoga and exercise regularly. This can prevent you from excess stomach acids.



a) Greasy and acidic foods are likely to irritate the stomach. So, in order to reduce your pain, avoid the following foods,
  • Coffee including decaf
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Chillies and hot peppers
  • Processed foods
  • Salty red meats
  • Deep fried foods

b) It is better to avoid milk because these are not good for ulcers. Milk seems to produce more stomach acids.

c) Give up the smoke and alcohol.

d) Use the self-medication with care


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