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Gall Stone Cure

Now a day, people are suffering from Gall bladder stone problems. These are now become most common among the children too.

About 20 % of the people around the world suffered from gall bladder disease.

Gall bladder disease is nothing but the Development of Gall Bladder Stones in the gall bladder. There are two types of gall stones.

        i) Cholesterol
        ii) Pigment


Most of the gall bladder stones are due to the cholesterol problems (not have enough bile salts).

The causes of pigment stones are still unknown (may be due to liver problems).


Gallstones may cause pain known as biliary colic, but 90 % of the case will have no symptoms.

Most gall bladder symptoms start with pain in the upper abdominal area, either in the right or middle.

a)   Severe abdominal pain.
b)   Pain that may extend beneath the right shoulder blade or to the back
c)   Pain that worsens after meal, particularly after fatty or greasy foods
d)   Pain that increases when you breathe in deeply.
e)   Chest pain
f)    Indigestion, excessive gas, vomiting, nausea
g)   Shaking with chills
h)   Yellowing of skin and eyes

They are most often discovered during X-ray or CT scan.


About 90 percent of the gall stone problem diagnosed by the removal of Gall bladder through open surgery or Laparoscopy.

But the gall stones will be removed easily without any surgical treatment.


It require only one week from start to finish. For that we want.

APPLE JUICE:  which is prepared freshly with apples, don’t take apple juice brands with added sugar. Apple has malic acid which softens the surface of the stone.

EPSOM SALT:  which is nothing but the Magnesium sulphate (this help to prepare the bile duct to pass the stones).

OLIVE OIL (100% PURE) and LEMON JUICE: Olive oil lubricates the path of the bile duct and the citric acid present in the lemon juice removes the stone.


a)   Consume apple juice 4 times per day (During Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and before Bed)   for 5 days.

b)   On the sixth day, eat normally throughout the full day but not recommended to take meat, deep fried food. Cooked vegetables and light foods may be a good choice. Skip the dinner, At 6 pm take a glass of warm water mixed with a table spoon of Epsom salt and repeat it again at 8 pm. After 2 hours i.e. at 10 pm, take half cup of olive oil and half cup of lemon juice, mixed it and drink.

c)   Go to bed, before going to sleep, lie on your right side for 30 minutes with keep your right knee pulled upto your chest.
The next morning you will likely need to go to the bathroom right away and will probably notice a difference in your stool. A common observation is what some people report looks like dark green peas or marbles of varying shapes and sizes – this is the softened material and gallstones purged from the gallbladder.


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