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Everyone is aware and in conscious with the health and also freshness of our body, for that we can take several measures and treatments at high cost.

But, Water plays an important role in the healthy body and also good therapy for most of the ill.

What is water therapy?

Drink 1.5 litres or 5-6 glasses of water as soon as you get up in the morning with an empty stomach that too before face wash, this is termed as Water therapy.

Water therapy is helpful in curing diseases without using medicine. It is a natural remedy for most diseases.

Drinking water in the morning is simple to put into practise, and virtually free! However, there are some important rules to remember. The basic protocol recommend by experts is as follows:

1. Immediately upon waking in the morning, drink 1.50 litres of water, which is equivalent to 5-6 glasses of water.

2. Do not eat or drink anything else for 1 hour prior to and after drinking the water.

3. Do not consume any alcoholic beverages the night before.

When starting out, you may want to make it easier by modifying the protocol slightly, as follows: Drink 4 glasses, then pause for 2 minutes, then drink the last 2 glasses.

IMP: Don’t take any food or liquor at least for one hour before and after therapy. Consult your doctor to find out whether water therapy will suit your body or not if you are ill or are already having a health problem

Benefits of water therapy

Normally 2 to 3 litres of water should be drink every day, in summer days it must be more than that.

It also helps to reduces the excess weight, it give good results than exercise, diet control etc.

It also helps to control the calorie in our body, water is the necessary one, because it starts from cleaning stomach, kidney and maintain the bone and tissue then finally collect the wastes and other impurities from the body through the urine.

So, stomach problems and kidney issues are prevented by this therapy.

During summer, in order to reduce the body temperature, skin takes the use of sweating. So, it creates the requirement of large quantity of water, it should be managed by us.

When you feel hungry at that time you are not supposed to take food, instead you can drink a glass of water, it dilutes the acids that secrete in your stomach and prevents ulcer.

At the same time, do not take much water before the food time but take enough water after food for better digestion.

When you feel tired, take water mixed with sugar and salt, which increases the energy in your body instantly.

This will also give better relief from menstrual problems for women.


Drinking excess water in a short time duration (3+ litres), can leads to “Fatal water poisoning”. It is because our body has only limited capacity of discharging the excessive water. This can expose a human body to the risk of brain damage or heart failure.

It is important to know the pros and cons of any treatment, diet or theraphy that you plan to take up. practise water theraphy according to given instructions and avoid overdoing it. Remember, too much of anything can be bad. Maintain a balance and enjoy the goodness of the wonder drink called, water.

Drink more safe and pure water and live long.


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