Due to the present fast food culture, the problem of kidney stone get most common among many people. Its pain is like a dead pain.
The diagnosis for this problem is only the surgical treatment, which is quite costly. But its remediation is never long last , which is only a short term. It depend upon the food habit that we have.
So, I declare the simple way for the kidney stone healing without any side effects that too for low cost and efficient treatment.
Its nothing but FRENCH BEANS + WATER
Take ¼ kg of FRENCH BEANS and remove the seeds then boil it with water for atleast 2 hours. After that grinding the mixture and drink it.
After 10 minutes, take minimum 2 litres of water or more.
Within 12 hours, the kidney stone get expelled through the urine.
You will get more pin, when the stone enter the urinary bladder from the kidney then the stone are expelled through the urine.
But the urine may not be continuous , It can be disturbed by the stones, but nothing to worry about that, if you drink more quantity of water, then the urinary bladder gets filled and urine get passed by high pressure, at that time stone is also removed .
Due to the irregularity of the stone shape, it may leads to bleed, but no problem with it. It will cure by next day.
Once the stones are removed, continue this treatment for atleast once in a month, then you wont suffer from kidney stone.
IMP: Regularizing the habit of drinking about 3 litres of water daily.
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